Students in Schools: Measles
Edgewood ISD is actively monitoring the recent measles outbreak and following the Texas Health and Human Services guidance to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and community.
The health and well-being of our students remain our top priority. We will continue to work closely with health officials and provide updates as needed.
Edgewood ISD está monitoreando activamente el reciente brote de sarampión y siguiendo las pautas de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Texas para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, personal y comunidad.
La salud y el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes siguen siendo nuestra máxima prioridad. También continuaremos trabajando estrechamente con las autoridades de salud y proporcionaremos actualizaciones según sea necesario.
Para más información, comuníquese con su proveedor de salud o la clínica más cercana.

Students in Schools: Online Threats
At Edgewood ISD, keeping our students and staff safe is our top priority. We also believe in being open and transparent when it comes to school safety. Click the link below to read the latest update from the district about an online threat.
Students in Schools: Immigration
At Edgewood ISD, our mission is to see every child succeed—both in the classroom and beyond. More than anything, we want our students to feel safe, supported, and valued. That’s why we’re committed to creating an environment built on compassion, security, and acceptance for all.
To address the concerns, we have compiled some of the most asked questions and answers. Our priority is to ensure our schools are welcoming spaces where all students can feel secure while they are in our care and in pursuit of their education, regardless of a student's race, ethnicity, religion or immigration status.
Read the letter from Dr. Hernandez by clicking HERE
Letter regarding social media movement click HERE